Programs and Services
Call: 620-231-5411
STD Testing
Blood Pressure Screenings
Available during business hours. Community Health Screenings
Hemoglobin, lead, covid Healthy Heart Ambassador Program
What is the Healthy Heart Ambassador (HHA) Program? The HHA Program is a 4-month program to encourage self-monitoring and recording of blood pressure, as well as a heart-healthy diet. Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention program offers older adults a way of reducing falls which includes fall and risk assessment, strength and balance exercises, medication review, home safety, safe footwear and what to do after a fall. For more information please contact the Crawford County Health Department. The Early Detection Works program
Early Detection Works is a CDC and State funded program aimed to catch breast and cervical cancer in its earliest stages. Our program provides breast screenings, mammograms, pap smears, and diagnostic services to women who meet our guidelines. Basic qualifications for breast services are, patient resides in KS, patient does not have health insurance, patient is between 40-64 years old, and meets EDW's income guidelines. Basic qualifications for cervical services are the same as breast, however the age requirements are from 21-64. To enroll please call (620) 235-7136, or visit www.kdhe.ks.gov/edw for more information and our income guidelines. Early Detection Saves Lives. Healthy Start Program
Our Healthy Start Visitor contacts and supports pregnant women and children up to 2 years of age under the supervision of a registered nurse. Immunizations
The Health Department is equipped to administer all state mandated childhood vaccines as well as the recommended adult vaccines. On-site clinics are provided for flu and covid. Information on vaccine requirements for international travel can be provided upon request.
TB Skin Tests:
Kan Be Healthy
Eligibility Children ages 0-21 who are eligible for the Medicaid program and have a valid Medicaid card may receive periodic free child wellness screenings. The screening consists of periodic physicals and age appropriate development testing, which includes: vision and hearing screenings, dental screenings, lab tests, immunizations and appropriate referrals. Hours Appointments can be made by calling (620)-231-5411. Child Care Licensing
Conducts licensing surveys for Kansas Department of Health & Environment for:
School Health Screenings
Contract services offered to schools including:
Special Health Care Needs
Provides specialty medical services to infants, children and youth up to age 21 who have eligible medical conditions and persons of all ages with metabolic or genetic conditions screened through the Newborn Screening Program. WIC (WOMEN, INFANTS, AND CHILDREN)
Program covers Crawford County. A supplemental nutrition program which is federally funded. Food vouchers are for formula, cereal, milk, eggs, cheese, juice and peanut butter or beans. Eligibility
Pregnant women, recently delivered women, infants, and children up to 5 years of age. Contact: Alicia Shoemaker, 620-231-5411 [email protected] 410 E. Atkinson Pittsburg KS 66762 WIC is an equal opportunity program. The USDA prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability. To file a complaint write to the: Administration, Food & Nutrition Services, USDA 3101 Park Center Dr. Alexandria, VA 22301 https://www.crawfordcountykansas.org/programs--services.html#WIC
Health & Family Services
Payment Fees are based on family size and income. Individual payment plans can be arranged. No one is denied service because of inability to pay Teen Pregnancy
Teen Pregnancy is a program designed for a pregnant or parenting female between the ages of 10-21. She will receive individualized services to assist with personal, social, and community resources. Contact: Tammy Alcantar, 620-231-5411 [email protected] 410 E. Atkinson Pittsburg KS 66762 Healthy Beginnings
Healthy Beginnings is a prenatal education program that educates pregnant women and their partners on prenatal care, pregnancy health, labor & delivery, infant feeding, infant care, safe sleep, and postpartum care. The program consists of six 2 hour sessions that are held at the Health Department. Participants can earn incentives like car seats and pack n plays for attending all six sessions. For more information, please call the Health Department at (620)-231-5411 and speak with Tammy (620)-231-5411 The Baby and Me Tobacco Free program
is an evidence based tobacco session program for pregnant women. The program combines cessation support specific to pregnant women and offers incentives, supports low socio-economic groups, implements motivational interviewing skills, and monitors the success of participants. Participants who quit smoking and stay quit have the opportunity to earn diaper vouchers for the first 12 months after delivery. Call (620) 231-5411 for more information. |