How Do I Pay Vehicle Tax / Registration?
The Girard Motor Vehicle Office is located on the 1st floor of the Crawford County Courthouse at 111 East Forest St., in Girard and the Pittsburg Satellite Motor Vehicle Office is located in the Judicial Center at 602 N. Locust St., Pittsburg.
Acceptable forms of payment are cash, check, money order, cashier's check and debit/credit cards. There is a 2.49% convenient fee charge for all DEBIT/CREDIT cards.
(620) 724-4959 - Phone
(620) 724-6004 - Fax
(620) 232-5890 - Phone
(620) 232-5890 - Fax
Acceptable forms of payment are cash, check, money order, cashier's check and debit/credit cards. There is a 2.49% convenient fee charge for all DEBIT/CREDIT cards.
(620) 724-4959 - Phone
(620) 724-6004 - Fax
(620) 232-5890 - Phone
(620) 232-5890 - Fax
Lost your Pin? Find on Renewal Form
Sample Renewal
Tag Renewal Schedule
Do my tags expire on the first day or the last day of the month?
Tag renewals are good for a full year. Tags for vehicles bought new within the year will be good for the period between the purchase date and the expiration date; in some cases this will be for just a partial year. Tags are prorated from the month the title is dated until the month your tag comes due, which is determined by your last name. TAG SCHEDULE IS:
A February 28
B March 31
C, D April 30
E, F, G May 31
H, I June 30
J, K, L July 31
M, N, O August 31
P, Q, R September 30
S October 31
T, V, W November 30
U, X, Y, Z December 31
Tag renewals are good for a full year. Tags for vehicles bought new within the year will be good for the period between the purchase date and the expiration date; in some cases this will be for just a partial year. Tags are prorated from the month the title is dated until the month your tag comes due, which is determined by your last name. TAG SCHEDULE IS:
A February 28
B March 31
C, D April 30
E, F, G May 31
H, I June 30
J, K, L July 31
M, N, O August 31
P, Q, R September 30
S October 31
T, V, W November 30
U, X, Y, Z December 31