General Open Records Information
How to obtain open records in Crawford County.
Pursuant to Kansas Statute Annotated 45-215 et seq., the general rule is that all records of taxing and political subdivisions of the state of Kansas, including Crawford County, are open to the public for inspection and copying, with certain applicable fees. Not all records are open, however. Records that are not open are generally personnel and investigatory files; however, this list is not exclusive. Additionally, as required by K.S.A. 45-226, the Crawford County Board of County Commissioners have, pursuant to Resolution 2000-152, named the Crawford County Clerk as the Local Freedom of Information Officer. Included on this web page is the supporting documentation for the authority and obligation of the Crawford County Clerk to serve as the Local Freedom of Information officer for Crawford County; a brochure, which is published by the League of Kansas Municipalities and Kansas Association of Counties, that has been adopted by the Crawford County Clerk as the official open records informational brochure; and an open records request form. Alternatively you may submit a request through our online form. For records related to district court records, please email [email protected]. All open records requests shall specifically describe the information the requesting party is requesting, shall be affirmed by the requesting party that the information derived from the open records request will not be used for commercial purposes, and shall be dated. Additionally, all open records requests shall be hand-delivered or mailed to: Lisa Lusker Crawford County Clerk Crawford County Courthouse 111 E Forest PO Box 249 Girard, KS 66743 Should you have any questions regarding a request, contact Ms. Lisa Lusker by phone at (620) 724-6115 or by e-mail at [email protected] |