Crawford County Communication consists of a 911 Director and ten full-time Communications Officers. We receive all the ambulance calls in Crawford County via 911 or regular phone lines, approximately 3500-3600 calls per year, and in turn dispatch or send the appropriate ambulance to the call. Depending on the location of the call and the availability of an ambulance, the response time can be anywhere from two to twenty minutes.
Our communications officers are required to be CPR certified, some are first responder or EMT certified as well. We are also EMD (emergency Medical Dispatch) certified, which requires attending a 3 day class on medical dispatching and passing the certification test. This certification allows us to give pre-arrival instructions, such as bleeding control, heimlich manuever, CPR, ect.... there are 32 cards of medical problems to assist us in helping people via phone until the ambulance can arrive. Our EMD certification requires 24 hours of training every two years.
We work hard to make sure when you call for an ambulance, that you receive pre-arrival instructions needed and the quickest ambulance response available.
Our communications officers are required to be CPR certified, some are first responder or EMT certified as well. We are also EMD (emergency Medical Dispatch) certified, which requires attending a 3 day class on medical dispatching and passing the certification test. This certification allows us to give pre-arrival instructions, such as bleeding control, heimlich manuever, CPR, ect.... there are 32 cards of medical problems to assist us in helping people via phone until the ambulance can arrive. Our EMD certification requires 24 hours of training every two years.
We work hard to make sure when you call for an ambulance, that you receive pre-arrival instructions needed and the quickest ambulance response available.